We Share One Life, We Are One Life
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One of my Spiritual Directors said to me, recently, "I don't think God really cares what we are doing - even if we were just staring at a puddle of water -, as long as we are being fully present."
I began with grandiose hopes about 17 years ago, under the guidance of this same person. Life had become very painful to me. I saw her as in line with my interest - transcend the world in Union with God.
Now, I see, at least in me and since that beginning, a major shift in my understanding of the spiritual journey. I see that most of it, if not all, is illusory. Illusory, in that it is only a means, or better process, with an intent, though not an end. Second, illusory, for there is really no spiritual search at all. That is, spiritual is seen, after much resistance by spiritual seekers, to be present without imposing on life that life be other than life.
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But, back to that looking at the puddle. That is very "Zen." And, here, being so "Zen" is a devout Christian speaking to me. And, I see more and more what she was saying to my confused mind that day. Whatever God is, God is. God is not an inside thing or outside thing, or both; a past, present, or future anything. Union with God is, if anything, being present now. All rites and rituals of faith lead me back to life, are life. And, I agree, as long as I am being lovingly present, which is not about feeling lovingly present, I am in Union. And, finally, in this Union I AM, by participation with God and you.
If I am present to that puddle of water, I am with that puddle of water, and I am as Oneed with Grace as anywhere or anyplace - for there is in that presence no other where or place. When present, I am where I am and, like God, I am. Then, like God is, is applies to me.
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Why need it be more complicated? There is no such need, and the need to make it more complicated is an evasion of Grace as life is, God as God is, and "I" as we share in life as is. And, this life is not a condition or quality, but life, is existence apart from any beginning or end or condition or quality. This life has no agenda; thus, this life, its own sufficiency, is its own integrity and, so, in this life is love, joy, and peace.
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*Worship, Udaipur, Marji Lang, Flickr
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Grace and Peace to All
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
*You are welcome to contact Brian at briankwilcox@yahoo.com .